Podziel się swoimi doświadczeniami

2002 Netherlands (uzalwe e Portugal)

I felt stupid for getting pregnant, guilty and irresponsible for not being more carefull with my body. I felt ashamed that something like that happened to me, because I'm not a teenager anymore and know how to not get pregnant. I felt afraid that I would damage my body, that it would hurt, but I was sure I didn't want to have a baby at that time and with that boyfriend.

It's was nothing special. No pain, no trauma, just a choice, just a medical procedure.

I would be unhappy, the child would be unhappy, my boyfriend would be unhappy.

Ngaba ukungabikho mthethweni kokuqhomfa kwakho kuchaphazele iimvakalelo zakho?

Yes. It's much easier to make a decision when you know that you can get the right support and help for your choice.

Benze ntoni abanye abantu xa ukhupha isisu?

Abortion is illegal in Portugal.


La decisión es tuya enlo que sigue te acompañamos

Kidda Sinsee

And I was afraid at first...

Katy Nunes

Meu corpo: minhas regras. Eu decido se e quando quero ter filho.

Aguaperdida Pam

Fue una decisión muy difícil pero estoy segura de que fue la mejor.
Un embarazo


i had an abortion


Rok 2018 miał być dla mnie rokiem od którego oczekiwałam dużo zmian…


Your Dreams Are Real, So Are Abortions.


While I was on a 3-month vacation in Europe I met a guy and we quickly fell for…


Postanowiłam się podzielić swoją historią, ponieważ gdy szukałam informacji na…

Lucille 2

I had an abortion. I got pregnant from a brief relationship and very…


Tuve suerte...


100% segura


I had an abortion. It was in October of 2008, when I was 21. The guy I was…


2 miesiące po aborcji. Moje życie wróciło do normy. Jest dobrze..


Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.

Cela B

Você precisa fazer uma auto avaliação e ver o que é melhor pra você. Não…


....because my pregnancy was unexpected and I did not want another child. My…

Mireya Mireya

Y no siento culpa, dolor o pena se que aún sigue siendo tabú en México por la…