Layla Sesey

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I had an abortion when i was 19 yrs . I last saw my period in December till January but i thought they will be late period.. i didn't think i could be pregnant. By that time me n my boyfriend were having complications i didn't tell him. So i decided to get a home pregnancy test, found out i was really pregnant. That was a shock, but i thought maybe i didn't do the tests well... the same day.. i went to see a doctor. He had done the test, ask some few questions. The test were positive.. that's when i reaslised it is it.."I AM REALLY PREGNANT " called ma boyfriend n told him.... he said i will hqve to keep the baby, but i couldn't keep it... not because i want to. But the situation at home was bad... that gave me alot of stress evryday.. i didn't tell ma sister or anyone beside him.... Days went by, i sat down done some self introspection.... and thought about my future how m i gonna take care of this baby, m not working neither his father... so i decided to do what's best for me. My future, my parent's reputation . I had to sacrifice, take away an innocent blood.. not because i wanted to, but i had to😔💔... even today m still living with that Quilt... m trying to forgive ma self but i can't... wats more painful is dat i didn't tell ma boyfriend dat i had an abortion... because he threatened to tell ma parents if i do so.... so i ende up telling my cousin about my situation, she olny said do wats best for future..

2019 South Africa

I feel like i disappointed my self, the family even though they don't know.. i feel Quilty for taking an innocent blood... m also angry at my boyfriend for being irresponsible so as me

It was tough because i was all alone to experience such thing all by my self...i had never seen so much blood it was all a shock... but i had to be strong..I experienced alot

Family's reputation

Ngaba ukungabikho mthethweni kokuqhomfa kwakho kuchaphazele iimvakalelo zakho?


Benze ntoni abanye abantu xa ukhupha isisu?

They didn't judge me at all... just stood by me, and supported me in every decision i take


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I had an abortion and never talked about it with anyone


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j´ai eu un avortement

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pensando en que dirán


I had my first abortion. The experience was very difficult. I went back and…