Tannicola Nkata

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I was brutally rapped during my time of imprisonment in my native country. I was detained and falsely imprisonment for returning back home from uk where I had claimed asylum. I bribed my lease with help of family and left zimbabwe for ireland to seek refugee protection. Upon arrival on routine medicals I told doctors I was a rape victim and wanted a pregnancy test. It came positive I was suicidal. I begged doctors to abort and I was told that it is ilegal tp abort in ireland. I went online and found out about women on web. I was given reassuring advise and I made a donation. My parcel was sent to me but was intercepted by customs dublin. I communicated with wob and tgey sent me another parcel without me paying an additional fee for tablets this time they went through Belfast n delivered to a motel. However I got scared to abort in ireland fearing having complications would end me up with a jail term . Left with no other choice traveled to uk whr I terminated the pregnancy and currently receiving mental health therapies for my ordeal. Women on web are very precious as they gave me a second chance I cud have committed suicide by now.



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