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The wrong idea that abortion is a sin.

2021 Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri

I didnt feel any guilt anger or uneasy feelings as I was set in my motive to end the pregnancy as early as possible. My husband and I knew we would not be able to manage one more child and we've been very practical about this. We weighed the lifetimes consequences versus the immediate consequences. Being sure that we have no intention to keep the preganncy going we mutually agreed which made it easier on both of us. It makes a lot of difference when the partner understand and supports.

Since I tested soon after I missed my period I was able to obtain the medicines as early as my 6th week. The cramps were bearable though the heavy bleeding did cause dizziness and weakness as I was throwing up and not able to eat. Though all in all I'm about 9 hours I was able to walk around and eat.

Kürtajınızın yasa dışı olması duygularınızı etkiledi mi?

Not at all. Rules made by people who have a fixed view of a procedure cannot influence what I feel is right for me and my life. The same rules cannot be applicable to different people and situations. That works for all aspects of our life's decisions. We must listen to ourself and connect with what makes most sense to us personally. To have a child and feel like having a burden for life is worse than choosing to not have one at all.

Diğer insanlar kürtajınıza nasıl tepki gösterdi?

No one knew except the husband. He was supportive and agreed with the decision as it would affect both our lives in the long run. We would rather focus on our kids and give them all we have rather than bring another child into the world not prepared to raise him/her. We agreed that It is a life time commitment to have a child and would be unfair to have it unwillingly.


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