
Share your story

2021 Egypt

Somehow this whole process changed my mind and made me realize that I would like to be a mother at some point, but definitely not right now, so I do feel relieved about being so fortunate to have this experience be as safe and as comfortable as it was. I’m definitely lucky. It definitely could have been worse.

Surprisingly fine. I expected it to be excruciating and intolerable, but it ended up being just extremely painful. My boyfriend and I rented a hotel room for 2 days and stocked up on pain medicine, food, tea and sanitary pads. He was very helpful and supportive. I put a hot water bottle on my stomach and we slept through the pain. When we were awake we binge watched TV shows. After the sac was passed, I bled for like 2 or 3 weeks maybe, I would get cramps and have to use pain medicine. The doctor prescribed another medicine after the abortion ended in order to empty my uterus. This medicine caused leg cramps that somehow still exist till now. I’m now on my first period after the abortion.

I’m not married to my boyfriend so it’s impossible to have a child in my country. We were only 7 months into the relationship when we had to deal with that. And even if we were married, it’s still too early in our lives and careers to be parents.

Ang iligalidad ng iyong pagpapalaglag ay nakakaapekto sa iyong damdamin?

It made me really scared and worried about which gynecologist to visit. I had to ask around a lot of people. The day we visited the gynecologist for the first time i was shaking and out of breath. But it went well thankfully.

Ano ang reaksyon ng ibang tao sa iyong pagpapalaglag?

Only 2 people + my boyfriend know. They were all very supportive thankfully.


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I had an abortion


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Aborto Simples e tranquilo com Cytotec

Contra o aborto até precisar dele


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Hola. Esta es mi experiencia.
Tengo 17 años actualmente, no soy virgen pero…

Sofia Ignatius

I had abortion n all went well


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yo aborte, fue la decisión correcta


No era el momento ni la persona


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fiore fiol

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Muy difícil decisión

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