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I had an abortion when I was 23 years old

2011 Malaysia

I was not religious at that time but just knew from deep inside god was with me and that this was the right decision.

I guess I was lucky that everything went well and it was painful for few hours.

I was not ready to raise a child and it ws something I can not let my family know about. I want a better life for my kids

Ang iligalidad ng iyong pagpapalaglag ay nakakaapekto sa iyong damdamin?

Yes and No. It was just not the right time to be pregnant and something that had to be done. I was living in Dubai at that time. Being pregnant without being married is a big crime and leads to jail and deportation.

Ano ang reaksyon ng ibang tao sa iyong pagpapalaglag?



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Yo aborte.


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