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Feeling like myself again

2015 Ireland

I did a medical abortion in 2015, I was 7 weeks pregnant. I had the pills delivered to a post office in Northern Ireland (post Resante) and I drove 10 hours round trip to collect them. I took my first tablet at 9.30 am Saturday morning, I had no side effects at all from this tablet. I took my first dose of mistropol (4 tablets under my tongue) at 9.30 am on Sunday morning (24 hours after my first tablet) I lay on my bed waiting for 30 mins for them to dissolve, I starting cramping 20 mins after taking them. It felt like bad period pains and I was so cold for hours. I had to put on lots of clothes and stay in bed. After 30 mins I swallowed the remains of the tablets and stood up. When I stood up I vomitted immediately. I would not recommend standing up for another while as this added to my fear that they would not work. I continued to vomit for about 2 hours and I had very bad diarrhea and started bleeding 2 hours later but it was light bleeding with very bad cramps. I felt I should be bleeding more. 4 hours after taking my 4 tabs I put 2 more under my tongue and waited 30 mins for these to disolve. Then I lay there for another while in case I vomitted again but i didn't. Cramps were not as bad this time around. I was very thirsty so I had to drink litres of water. I would recommend that you take pain killers 30 mins before each dose of tablets to help with the pain. I did this for my 2nd batch and I think that is why I had less pain. I was bleeding but not clotting and not like a heavy period like some people explained. It was very manageable and I did not soak through pads. The next day I felt the bleeding was not enough and I felt that I had not passed the pregnancy so I took another 2 tablets under my tongue. I had more manageable cramps as I took ibuprofen before I took them. I was uncomfortable and I would recommended not planning anything as your energy levels are low and sometimes the cramps get bad so your mood isn't great either, probably pain and stress related. I never had that big clot that some people speak about. My bleeding was consistent though but usually happened when I went to the toilet, I left like I was pushing it out of my uterus Instead of it free flowing and it was stringy rather than clotting. Sorry for the graphic description but other people's info was invaluable to me when I was going through it so I am trying to share the most i can. My bleeding continued for approx 2 weeks but got very light and kind of a brown colour in the end. My pregnancy symptoms (sore boobs and swollen stomach) stayed for a good few days after but they did lessen and then finally go after about 8-10 days. They kind of fully went when the blood was stopping. For the first 5 days after i really didn't think the tablets had worked at all but they did. I am not pregnant anymore but I thought from some of the horror stories I had read that it would be a lot worse that it was. For me the pain was bad, very bad after the first 4 tablets for a few hours but I know it's because I didn't take my pain meds soon enough. I think I wanted to feel the pain to make sure it was real but in hindsight there was no need to put myself through that. Regarding ordering my tabs. I ordered them on 08th, they left India on the 11th, arrived in the uk on the 17th, arrived in Northern Ireland on the 18th. I would recommend just ordering ASAP as it feels like a lifetime waiting for them so just order, pay your donation and the process will start moving then. I procrastinated and went to order but didn't pay my donation but the order really isn't confirmed until u do that. I believe if u can't donate women on web will find a way to help but if u have it just donate it and get it moving. On my bank account it shows up as womenonweb so if you have a shared bank account and don't want someone to see it be aware of this and look for another method of payment. I paid mine my card so it showed up on my statement which is fine for me as its mr private bank account. The whole process with women on web was unbelievably comforting, they answered every single concern I had a gave me amazing support and information at a time where I had no where at all to turn to. I can't believe such a service exists to help us. Their professionalism and care has really blown me away. I am fully back to myself now 2.5 weeks later. I feel great, I had no ill effects from the medication, no one hassled me in Belfast when I picked up my package. The package itself is just like a long envelope. Small and discreet. I have since disposed of all the packaging. I drove through 2 tolls on route to get my package and forgot to pay them as I had a lot on my mind so when the penalty came in the post I got a fright, but it was my car and addressed to me so please remember to pay your toll online immediately in case u are borrowing a car to go to the north. It's a long trip from Southern Ireland so I ensured my tyres were pumped and I had enough oil and water and petrol and I brought food and drinks with me in the car so I didn't have to stop much. I would encourage anyone who has decided to do this just to order fast and drive carefully and take pain meds Before hand. I wanted to tell more people I was doing it as I felt I needed more support but my friend told me not to do that and to just get it done. It's not the end of the world and life will go back to normal fast. It's a process of ordering, paying the small donation of 90€, collecting the medication and taking the meds.. Step by step it gets done, it's stressful as there are lots of lies involved but once it's done it's done and it's over very quickly. Just ensure to take all the precautions necessary for your journey and it will be over soon. I have no regrets about doing it , it was the right thing for me to do at the time and I only have one life and I am happy to be back where I want to be now. The process of taking the tablets is easy and can be very much pain free if u take your painkillers properly. Just be prepared. I did it on my own and I am happy I did it on my own and I am happy my friend told me not to reach out to anyone else as now I am happy it's only my two best friends that know and it's over now and entirely behind me. I am me again!

Private and safe

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