YoungWoman from India

Condividi la tua storia

This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the information, support and confidence I needed. Rebecca Gomperts & team: Thank You. And Thank you even more that you provide info, consult AND pills to women all over the world, legal and illegal.
I do believe it is your own body, and your personal choice. Boss of your own Belly. Its true we dont really 'own' the belly, its on lease from God/Nature, we just borrow it while we are here. But while we are here, we are free&responsible for all we put into it, how we use it, and what comes out of it. We are also victim to what sometimes happens to it from outside our influence or control. How we choose to act or react is up to is. For that freedom of choice we can use the power of our hearts and consciences. God/Life gives you choices, options, gifts, tests, trials, tribulations; everything! Nothing is good or bad, every choice is a learning process. Sometimes what seems bad can be the change needed for a brighter day afterwards.
We can choose our own safety over an unwanted pregnancy.
(As in my case) We can choose our personal freedom over an unplanned pregnancy.
It may sound selfish- but actually my life is dedicated to unpaid volunteer work, serving humanity and nature, and that is my personal freedom choice, and also the reason why I do not have my own home or a stable income, and why I was not ready or able to keep the pregnancy.
The Medical Abortion:
The first pill (mifepristone) I didnt feel anything physically. Emotionally I felt a huge wave of guilt, relief, doubt, anger, confusion, anxiety, fear. I was 5 weeks pregnant, and I wanted to avoid hospitals or operations. After 36 hours i took 2misoprostol. (my Dr said wait 48 hrs and the website said wait 24, so I went with the middle of the two). My partner was with me. My Dr from my checkup- (I only went once- to make sure it was not an ectopic pregnancy and to know the stage/days) Dr said that 2 misoprostol could be enough, and take by directly swallowing with water. Only if no bleeding occurs within 4-6 hours, take another two pills. *Please follow advice from Women on Web only- this is my personal story, do not follow this way without consulting a Doctor for your case specifically*
My Dr said best advice is do not do this alone. Get a friend to be with you or be on call in case anything. I think its very good advice! The contractions nearly made me faint (once) and it is scientifically proven that holding someone's hand reduces the experience of pain. I did not take painkillers. I was lucky my partner held me hand. 2 pills was enough for me. I had bleeding, cramping, contractions, a large loose bowel movement, shivers, cold sweat, dizziness and - finally- a miscarriage. I saw the bubble go down the toilet. Sorry, theres no other way for me to say it. It had to be done. It went well. Its OK. I am a good person, who was not ready at this time of my life. But it was not easy. There was bleeding and clots of tissue for nearly 12 days, gradually less and less. Such deep emotion came out in the moments and days after the miscarriage. I did feel guilty. I have to be honest. Like such a waste of something so beautiful. My partner and I are healthy, good, loving people, but we had nothing to provide for the new life because of our service we do, which benefits many people! We decided to take steps to find a home base and an income, while continuing our mission. So that of it happens again, or if we choose to make a life again, we will be ready.
It takes courage to continue with an unwanted pregnancy, committing to raising a new life. Especially single mothers!
It also takes courage to decide not to keep an unwanted prenancy.
And It takes even more courage for the women out there who are under pressure from dominating partners, threats or laws. May you be strong and supported and safe. Thank you Women on the Web

2015 India

I was afraid at first because i never take any medicines!!! Or chemicals! And i read horror stories online! But now i wont click 'afraid' because Women on Web plus few other forums online also gave me the confidence and information that 1- its safe 2- its tried and tested 3- chances are good that it will be a success and no lasting harm done. So many different feelings- its true there were a big mixture of all extremes and emotions. Main emotion: Grieving.... Loss.....

Quite quick. Straightforward. Uncomplicated. Quite painful, but only lasting about 5hrs the severe pains. Overall Ok

I dont believe the world needs more babies. Please enjoy life and have a family, but reproducing too much: Its almost selfish for everybody to want 'their own'. Have one of your own, or two, and adopt another one or two. If only we could see all the babies in the world as 'our babies' and take care of eachother as family, then love would prevail over suffering. Stop bombing. Stop consuming, polluting, discriminating. Stop hating. Stop dividing. Adopt. Help. Share. Serve. Love. Give. (For all those who are able -of course-) and for the oppressed or incapable people- may you find your freedom, find your peace, may all beings be free and happy).

Ano ang reaksyon ng ibang tao sa iyong pagpapalaglag?

Its a secret. Only my partner knows, he supported my decision and the process.


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....because my pregnancy was unexpected and I did not want another child. My…


I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…

F. B

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Yo aborte en Chile, en pandemia gracias a Wow

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I had an abortion and don't regret it.


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‪#‎StandWithPP‬ I never wanted kids. I got pregnant in college when I was 17.


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