

2018 เยอรมนี

After the abortion I was just relived and I felt empowered - it was about my life. Before the abortion I was very afraid, I felt irresponsible, a little stuipid and trapped. The latter was the worst.

The abortion itself was physically very painful for me, but that didn't matter at all (giving birth is probably worse). However, the entire process with obligatory consulation was awful. Although in Germany the law requires, that the obligatory consulation has to be objective, my consultant was a strict Christian who tried to convince me and my partner to have a baby. She was manipulative and had a very strange image of women in general. Although the clinic staff was not as extreme as her, they were very disrespectful. The entire process was really bad for me and I cried a lot - not because of the abortion, but because of the people and how they dealt with me.

I generally do not plan to have kids, being a mother is not for me


I didn't tell my family, since they are very conservative. However, all my friends at least accepted it, although some of them were a little shocked. I was very open about it, because even in Germany I feel that there is a huge stigma about it. Although I am a defender of radical reproductive justice, I felt affected by that stigma, so I told my friends only AFTER the abortion.

Dolores Feffer

I had two.

No woman should ever have to justify a dessicion on her own body.


Dokonałam tego co jest zakazane w tym kraju. Nie czuję się winna.


Uma decisão que precisa ser feita rápida porém pensada


Desde que confirmé el embarazo, pensé cómo podría llevar a cabo el aborto.


I had two...it was not a hard decision, and I'm glad I did it. Now, I'm a…


I had 2 abortions


Yo he estado en las dos caras de la moneda, cuando tenia 16 años quede…


Era lo mejor


Miałam aborcję wykonaną farmakologicznymi środkami otrzymanymi od Fundacji…

Ashley Engbrecht

At the young age of 17, I was the victim of sexual assault. There is nothing…

Bia Li

Me encontro na cama deitada nesse momento, após ter passado um dia inteiro no…

Sabine Ryan

It's not as bad as you think. Please read my story!


Descobri que estava grávida no dia do meu aniversário, na época, sem nenhum…


Odzyskałam Moc:)

Ma N

Y fue un proceso duro física y emocionalmente.

I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed