

I just had my 3rd son 4 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got a restraining order against the father 2 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got verbally abused and car stolen a month before finding out I was pregnant. After 6 years and 2 children I would think I wanted better for myself but I guess I don't but I didn't have his daughter. I wanted a girl so bad but I had an abortion. Hopefully I can find a man that doesn't abuse me and know how to be patient with me because of what he did. I had an abortion because I wanted better for my daughter even if I think I don't for myself.

2020 สหรัฐ

It was unreal. I expected the pain and blood but I didn't comes to terms with what I was giving up. Until my daughter at 9 weeks and 3 days laid on my right thumb under my tattoo of my first name. The feelings when our eyes connected was terrifying. Such a dark and scary time to have to flush down the daughter I always wanted down the toilet. I didn't expect to see the fetus but I did. I couldn't do anything but scream then quickly cover my mouth because in the next room was my 3 son's and the niece of my children's father. He still doesn't know or I haven't told him that I terminated that pregnancy.




I only told 5 people. None which are blood related. They were supportive knowing the history of my relationship.


Lo hice en un país en el cual es ilegal, por lo que tuve que acceder al mercado…


Tome la decisión ya que anteriormente (a los 15 años) ya había tenido un…


I woke up in bed, and thought this is a new beginning for him and I. I could…


I had an abortion

anita nyaera

I had three abortions latest being 2018.I feel guilty but I had no choice.


Olá, tenho 24 anos e fiz um aborto com aproximadamente 8 semanas. Fiz questão…

Carolina Posso

I had an abortion porque me sentía sola, sentía que todo el mundo se iba a…


Medical abortion at 9wks 5days


Yo aborte

Dulcinea Vázquez

Las pastillas tardaron un poco mas de 3 horas en hacer efecto, no presenté…

Carolina pink

Abortar tambien es un acto de amor


Eu sobrevivi, você também vai


Some may say I was selfish, other may say I'm going…

Cumbe Nelia

Fiz dois abortos com 20 anos...uma em janeiro nao usamos o preservativo mas ele…


E foi uma das decisões mais difíceis da minha vida .
Oi meninas,eu tenho 26 anos…

Aga... ta...(?)

zastanawiam się jak to przeżycie i fakt co zrobiałam wpłynie na dalsze moje…


Your Dreams Are Real, So Are Abortions.


Es más una historia de amor, que de un aborto pero posiblemente en algo te…


I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…