

I was lucky enough to be able to have an NHS surgical termination at 8 weeks. We forget sometimes how much freedom we have in the UK and how lucky we are to have these options. I was financially and emotionally incapable of having another child and chose the safest option for myself. It isn't pleasant and far from the perfect solution but it is a relief to know I'm not going to be spending 20 years raising another child. It was unplanned and a mistake and I am grateful that the NHS helped me.

2015 ประเทศอังกฤษ

Was 100% sure of my decision until about 20 minutes before the surgery. Then I felt unsure and 'last chance' about it. Went ahead as I knew I was doing the right thing. I have had NO regrets whatsoever.

I'd say overall just mildly painful and uncomfortable. Minimal bleeding. Recovered quite well after a GA and was relieved.

Partner wanted it and I didn't. I was ending the relationship.


Supportively. Apart from the father who was a selfish, spiteful fool and made my life a misery. I ended it the day after my termination.


Aún grito perdón


Too selfish, and ok with that for now.


Aborté por motivos de edad (demasiado joven)y económicos (era estudiante y no…


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I had an abortion


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Dokonałam tego co jest zakazane w tym kraju. Nie czuję się winna.


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Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.

Paula Paula

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Fiz o procedimento ontem e quero contar com riqueza de detalhes , por isso…


Medical abortion at 9wks 5days

baby t

i had 2 abortions first 1 when i was 16 i knew i was ready to have a child or…


It was a difficult but necessary choice to have made.

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Yo aborte porque no estaba en el momento adecuado para tener un hijo, mi madre…

Aga... ta...(?)

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