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I had an abortion and don't regret it.

2014 Förenta staterna

I'm extremely relieved and ready to move on with my life. I have no regret for my decision and know it was best for me and my family. I'm thankful I live in a country where abortion is legal. Definitely hard to get (distance) but doable.

I'm very relieved I was able to do the medical abortion with medicine. It was easier than I thought.

I have 2 young boys already and am totally overwhelmed by the responsibility of them both. I am a 26 year old woman with a supportive husband but there is no way we could emotionally or physically support another child without expense to my other children and our marriage.

Hur reagerade andra på din abort?

I only told 2 people; my husband and mother. My husband was more impartial and said he would support my decision either way. My mother was disappointed in my decision but ultimately supported me. No one else knows are needs to know.


Miałam aborcję


No fue bueno pero fue lo mejor.


My abortion was what needed to be done at that time. Deep down me I know I…


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I had an abortion and it was worth it, absolutely no regrets.


Deu tudo certo.


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