Dina Wood

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I had an abortion.It was illegal in the United States at the time, but I was lucky that i found a decent doctor. I was 16 and knew that I had a future ahead of me that did not include that baby. I don't regret it at all.


At the time I was disappointed at myself for being stupid and getting pregnant when I was supposedly a clever girl. The father was more of a friend and I did not involve him in the decision.Afterward I felt relieved that the procedure was done and sure that I had made the right decision. I'm still sure it was right.

It was positive because the doctor was kind and supportive. A true heroine.

I knew that I wanted to go to college and have a career. If that seems selfish, so be it. It was my "first time" and I did not want to "Make" my boyfriend be responsible for changing his future either.

Ovplyvnila nezákonnosť vášho potratu vaše pocity?

It did not effect my decision. It did make me feel guilt that I was breaking the law and that the doctor was possibly endangering her own livelihood. I will thank her forever.

Ako reagovali na váš potrat iní ľudia?

My friends who I told were supportive. I have never told my family, but, I plan on telling my teenage daughters now.I didn't tell the father until many years later.


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