marcela landeros

Compartilhe a sua história

2009 (nascido em Chile)

A ilegalidade de seu aborto afetou seus sentimentos?

clear that the illegality of abortion in my country has affected how I feel. all moral sentiments is at the moment. I believe in my choice and maturity. I feel the fear is that I will respect if this good or bad, but the consequences for me, the effects on my health ... but I have no other choice. Not being legal abortion, to be light years so, that leaves no way risk and take control of my situation. The problem is that I am prepared to do so, the information I have gathered, are quite details that need to be careful, and it is difficult not to feel insecure. but as I said earlier, there is no other alternativa.No for me at least.

Eunji A

낙태 당시에는 신체적으로 힘들었지만 지금은 컨디션이 평상시로 돌아왔습니다


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