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I was 44 years old and already had 2 children. The pregnancy was an accident and neither my husband nor I wanted any more children. We both felt too old and too tired to go back to nappies and no sleep. Once I knew I was pregnant, the decision was easy, a no brainer. Finding out how to get an abortion was a little more tricky, even though I was in Australia where it is legal. I really didn't want to have a surgical abortion, which was the only option that most of the services in bigger cities had. I wanted to do it with pills and in the privacy of my own home. I managed to find a service for women from remote areas with a doctor who prescribed abortion pills. I was stressed because we were flying out to Europe for a 6 week holiday and obviously I couldn't wait with the abortion that long so it had to be done before we left. Fortunately, all went well, I got the pills prior to our departure day, the abortion itself was easy and not as painful/uncomfortable as I thought, perhaps because I already had had three pregnancies and two natural births (I miscarried one at 13 weeks and I felt worse physically then than during the abortion). Absolutely no regrets, completely a non-issue and almost forgotten. Absolutely the right decision for me personally and for us as a family. I am happy I was able to have the abortion.

2017 Austrália

I have only positive feelings about the abortion: I was comfortable and am comfortable with the decision, I was confident with the pill method and happy that I did it. I was relieved that I was able to had an abortion.

I find the abortion pills an excellent way to do abortion. I wanted to be in control and I wanted to be able to do it in the privacy of my own home when I wanted and when it was the best time for it.

The main reason was that both my husband and I were too old: I was 44 and he was 48 years old. Also, we already had two children who were over the age of 7 so we really didn't want to go back to the beginning again.

Como as outras pessoas reagiram ao seu aborto?

My husband was 100% supportive. Nobody else knew, we kept it private.


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Lo logré....estoy tranquila

Eunji A

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Mi historia