
Compartilhe a sua história

2018 Reino Unido

2 years on, I now feel at peace with my abortion. I still get some flaring feelings of irresponsibility and guilt, but I am able to combat these by remembering my valid reasons to decide to go through with it, and reminding myself that I couldn’t be living the life I am at the moment with a baby in tow.

It was helpful to not have to have any surgical interventions. But I was quite upset to have to bleed a lot and didn’t know when the foetus was passing. I may have had to flush it down the toilet which is a horrible thought. But I feel so lucky to have had access to a safe and legal abortion. My abortion has saved my mental health in the long term and given me control over my future.

The father of the baby was psychologically abusive towards me, I didn’t want to have a child with him. I wanted to continue at university and get the best career I could to support a family when I was ready for one.

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