Tlhogi Tshegofaso

Share your story

I did it when I was 4 weeks. Its was tremendously painful and horrific. The only emotions I had that morning b4 and afterI taking those pills, were REGRET. Regret that I let a boy cum inside me. Having unprotected sex without knowing his status. Im trully grateful for not being Hiv positive( #NoStisetheir) eternally grateful to my creator my Heavenly father. Thank you for not forsaking me...4 weeks afterwards I did a urinary preg test at the clinic the results read neg, but my belly is still big so I'm a bit sceptical about whether it was successful or not. .and I have no one to talk to about my feelings. I wish and pray that its successful because I don't want a baby now or anytime soon.

2019 South Africa

I'm afraid that it didn't work so yeah , that's all I'm scared of

Painful,horrific, terrifying, hurtful, exusting and embarrassing ASF

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

Mine was legal. And I'm not pretty sure if it worked or what. So I'm still scared if it didn't... scared and i feel alone.i don t regret doing it, I would do it again

How did other people react to your abortion?

Nobody knows except my ex buff, she was supportive at the least to my face she was but you'll never really know what's inside a person...


Dokonałam tego co jest zakazane w tym kraju. Nie czuję się winna.

Emily Mars

O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.

E. Souza

Espero que ajude outras mulheres, pois assim como eu, no desespero, procurei…

Aguaperdida Pam

Fue una decisión muy difícil pero estoy segura de que fue la mejor.
Un embarazo


A cry of freedom for all women who are dictated by the mentality of the norms…


No Regrets.


My abortion was 100% my choice.


Najgorszy dzień w moim życiu. Początek stycznia, wtedy zobaczyłam te…


My first pregnancy came quite unexpectedly. I was 17 and my boyfriend and I had…


J'ai avorté quand j'avais 18 ans. Je ne le regrette pas, je suis fière d'avoir…


yo encauce mi destino...

C. Ferreira

Pior dia da minha vida


J'ai avorté suite à ma grossesse arrêtée à 8 semaines


Miałam aborcje. Dzięki pomocy i wyrozumiałości women on web uda mi się to.


Força, tudo que precisa!

Lucy Smith

It was never going to be easy

Cela B

Você precisa fazer uma auto avaliação e ver o que é melhor pra você. Não…


Mi experiencia