
Deel je ervaring

2019 Verenigd Koninkrijk

Before and throughout the process I had my mind set on it because of the situation I was in at the time. But now it's been a few months and I'm conflicted about my feelings about it, everytime I see a baby which by God they are everywhere I cant help but to think about the life I took.

I found out that I was pregnant after new years. I was 7 weeks along and I'm only 17 so I didn't really have a choice on method of the abortion I was only offered a medical termination and had to stay on a ward. The doctors I spoke to were all lovely and didn't judge which made my experience bearable but for my final appointment the nurses that looked after me on the ward I couldn't thank them enough for everything, they were so kind and made sure that I was comfortable throughout.

Had de illegaliteit van je abortus invloed op je gevoelens?

No, abortions are legal where I am.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

I didn't really tell anyone about being pregnant apart from my boyfriend and made the decision to have an abortion at the time and to not tell anyone. I went to my first appointment alone but then was unable to get transport to the second and third appointment so then told my sister and asked if she could take me. My sister was shocked and upset for me but she was there for me the whole time. For my boyfriend though we didn't speak about it really after the decision was made and he was working all the time so he couldn't really be there.


I had an abortion and I got to say that it was the best decision I can ever…


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My story - at 6 weeks and 5 days


I had abortion TWICE!!

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Feeling like myself again


The wrong idea that abortion is a sin.

M. .

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I had an abortion


And I am so happy! I am so lucky that I had the choice to have an abortion! The…

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pam carol

Yo aborte


“I had an abortion” will appear automatically, but please feel free to change…


Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.

wiki Kosik

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