
Deel je ervaring

I was 21, and nowhere near ready or willing to carry and birth a child because of a chemical error.

2013 Verenigde Staten

Everyone at the clinic was very kind. The abortion itself was painful for about 3 minutes, and it took me 10-15 minutes with a hot pad and some sugar to recover enough to drive home, but overall as easy as it really could be.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

Of those who know about it, overwhelming support. My boyfriend praised my grace and strength, my mother was proud of my ability to stand up for what was best for me.

Bryann Turner

It was the right decision for me at this time.


I had Three Abortions.

Liz Price

I had an abortion


E no começo me arrependi mas vi que seria a melhor opção, e escrevendo meu…


No estaba lista para ser madre, no se si algún día lo estaré.


Dwie kreski...Te dwie czerwone kreski na białym papierku były jak kubeł zimnej…


j´ai avorté.


I had an abortion, so that I could heal.


À 32 ans, j'ai avorté parce que ce n'était pas le bon moment.


naprawde nie miałam wyjścia jestem miesiąc po,nie bolało szczerze mówiąc…


Terça, 08 de agosto de 2017, 8:00 h.
Foi esse dia que eu descobri que estava…

Stormy-Hayden Skylar

I don't regret my abortion in the slightest.


At the age of 15 I was told that I would likely never be able to get pregnant…

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.