
Share your story

I made the best decision for me

2012 United Kingdom

I am angry that the laws in this country forced me to do something illegal in order to make the best decision for me.

The abortion was scary as I was unsure what to expect. The bleeding and cramping were quite bad, but I still don't regret it.

Adakah haramnya pengguguran anda mempengaruhi perasaan anda?

I was angry that I could not make a decision based on what was best for me with my doctor, that I had to do something illegal.

Bagaimana reaksi orang lain terhadap pengguguran anda?

My friends were supportive of me having an abortion, my family were very wary but once they saw that I did not regret it they have become more supportive.


Never had any regrets


Myślałam, że będzie gorzej, na szczęście cały czas była ze mną moja druga…


Gostaria de começar dizendo que deu tudo certo!
Quando realizei meu aborto…

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I'm still going through it but I'm getting better everyday


I had 2 abortions

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La mejor decisión

sandrusia020 G*********

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