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I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little sadness but nothing my 8 month old son can't change.

2013 Australia

Of course as my hormones dropped I felt sad and cried quite a lot at night. And seeing as with my situation (the rape) the court wasn't very easy and wanted to get this report sorted ASAP. I haven't had a decent nights sleep so it was quite overwhelming, if I only had the abortion to worry about, I would feel relieved (which I do) and very sure about my choice, It's not about me, it was also about my son too, I didn't want to spoil the amazing bond I have with him now

better than they stated it would be, I did a lot of research online and read blogs about women, unfortunately I read done where women hated it because of the pain or regret, seeing as I am a worry wart, I panicked at the pain before I even went through it. surprisingly I was one of the lucky few where the pain was hard and sore yes, but it was still bearable. And having a child before it made my period cramps much worse, so I thought my medical abortion was going to be hell, but it really does just glide past for some women, so don't always think its going to be painful, it will never hurt as much as a natural birth with no pain killers at the age of seventeen, two hours of labour and ten minutes of pushing and I was scared of this medical abortion, seemed silly after I went through it.

Adakah haramnya pengguguran anda mempengaruhi perasaan anda?

None at all I had my abortion at a clinic which was extremely helpful seeing as I had counselling before I made up my mind, they were very supportive of me and kept me calm as I was extremely nervous.

Bagaimana reaksi orang lain terhadap pengguguran anda?

They were extremely supportive! My situation wasn't very pleasant and I don't wish it upon any woman, unluckily some women are victims. So I became extremely stressed, my parents and friends gave me a little time to cool down and after a couple days then asked what my answer was.

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