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2020 Ireland

I knew I wanted the abortion and I am happy with my decision but it was beyond hard under the circumstances and I still feel like Irish oppression and shame makes me feel like I should feel bad for getting an abortion but I don't feel bad at all, I just feel like it should be kept hush hush and only a small handful of My friends know and my partner and none of my family know.

It was described to me as it would be a heavy period and it was awful the pain after taking the second tablet shocked me to my core it was horrible I couldn't move I just lay there in pain taking so many painkillers.

It was the middle of the pandemic and Ireland was still in lockdown and I had just had coronavirus and I was still recovering. I had been made redundant in March from my job and my partner also wasn't working due to the pandemic.

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Shocked, like I shouldn't have told them. Alot of Irish shame and guilt around the fact. I felt like it happy of be a secret even though the people I told would have all supported repealing the 8th amendment in Ireland to all safe and legal abortions for the first time in Ireland ever.


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I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks.


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I had an abortion


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