Lisa Heidenreich

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2016 Panama

I was super relieved when the pills arrived. I organized a day off for me and my husband the next day so he would be there to support me during the process. Everything worked as described by Women on Web.

Adakah haramnya pengguguran anda mempengaruhi perasaan anda?

I was afraid for my husband and my two children to get involved. The thought that I am endangering my family was horrible. My feelings towards the decision to abort weren't effected. My decision was very clear for me, in my head and heart.

Bagaimana reaksi orang lain terhadap pengguguran anda?

Everyone was very supportive and empathetic. As the abortion was illegal, I had to choose the people I confided in carefully and it took some courage but it was really helpful to get moral support.


I had to get an abortion after my Skyla IUD was placed improperly or slipped. I…


Parir otros futuros


I had a 'NO SHAME' abortion


fui libre respecto esta decision


Tengo 25a, estudio medicina. Acababa de terminar el internado y estaba por…


Aborté a mis 18, a unos cuantos meses de mi graduación de preparatoria.


Decidida, sin culpa ni arrepentimiento, soy fiel a mi misma.


A los 19 años , no me arrepiento de haber tomado esta desicion. Fue un…


Podczas stosunku z ówczesnym partnerem metodą antykoncepcji była prezerwatywa


I had an abortion and I'm so pleased that I had that option. I was only 18…


I had a surgical, had two kids, and then had medical abortion.


Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.

Ana Monteiro

Primeiramente, gostaria de dizer para você que procura por esses depoimentos


Początek był raczej standardowy - spóźnił mi się okres, zrobiłam test ciążowy

Magdalena Kozakiewicz

I had an abortion

Liz Roldan

Porque mi situación económica era bulnerable y tenia otro hijo de 5 años al…

Sara Barretos

Descobri a gravidez com 4 semanas, a camisinha estourou e tomei a pílula do dia…