
Pasidalinti savo istorija

I made the right decision.

2017 Canada

I have gone from feeling afraid angry, ashamed, to comfortable and confident. I was confused, disappointed, utterly grieving and feeling guilty, but became happy, the realization in my mind casting away all doubts. I felt irresponsible for getting pregnant, numbed by the actual fact that I was carrying life in me. But my abortion made me peaceful, relieved, resolving my dilemma. I was not sad after all. I felt selfish but that was the moralistic side of society talking. I was made to feel selfish and stupid by the messages they'd send through their campaigns. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with abortion. It's okay to have an abortion. No one is

The absolute best service in a Feminist clinic. I was truly privileged. I am glad to have advocated for myself for the best possible outcome.

Barely an adult, and a broke student with an unsupportive family, as much as I wanted to keep my baby, I could not have put them through the struggle of social stigmatization and misery from poverty. Nor could I have attempted to bind my partner in this way without his input.

Ar jūsų abortų neteisėtumas paveikė jūsų jausmus?

Had it been illegal, I would have been more stressed. I am thankful to have been born in a country where it has been legal since before my lifetime.

Kaip kiti žmonės reagavo į jūsų abortą?

My family doesn't know because of the social stigma. My partner held my hand and supported me as I went through it, relieved that an unplanned pregnancy wouldn't interrupt our plans towards holistic stability.


I had two abortions by the time I was 23 and a third when I was 29. All…


I had an abortion, so that I could heal.

Mar Tina

Todo es muy reciente ... estoy recuperandome hace tan solo dos dias que sucedio.

Paulette De los reyes

Decidi lo mejor para las dos


Po porodzie miałam postanowienie, wiecej dzieci nie chcę, mój ginekolog dobrze…


Cuando tenia 19 años, "me enamore" de un tipo casado, quede embarazada y el lo…


Yo aborte


10 years ago, at age 32, I had an abortion. The pregnancy was unplanned and I…

Ania anonimowa

Odpowiednia pora.


I had an abortion. And I would do it again, if I was me at that time back then…

A .

16 semanas de terror


I felt very guilty but relieved . I was way too young to be a mother.




at just 19 years old.

Leah Jeck

Aku pertama kali kenal sex, tahun 2013 semester 2 tahun awal kuliah, dengan…


The decision was easy, but the emotions were not.

The person who got me…


I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…