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Something that has carried with me ever since.

2013 United States

a feeling of knowing I had to do this, but still tittering on the fence of wanting to love a child that was my own. An odd mixture of emotions.

I thought it was going to be less invasive, and less cold with surgical tools. But somehow, taking the pill at home, basically alone(mother in another room) it felt more alone than anything. Almost worse than what I thought it would feel like in a medical office.

낙태의 불법 성이 감정에 영향을 미쳤습니까?

It was legal, in the state of California gaining access to an abortion is somewhat easier. But still with limitations, heavy payment, and low access to mental health associates for aftercare.

다른 사람들은 당신의 낙태에 대해 어떻게 반응 했습니까?

I have only shared my abortion story with close friends, my mother and father, and the father of the "child"(who hasn't shared any information with his family, and thats totally understandable).

Liz Roldan

Porque mi situación económica era bulnerable y tenia otro hijo de 5 años al…

luna oscura

¿En serio estoy embarazada?

Emily Mars

O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.


Me enfrente a la injusticia de haber nacido mujer


Uwolniłam się od piekła i zyskałam szansę na szczęście


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


I was 22 turning 23 when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. The father and I…


Mi hijo se transformó en una estrella.
Ahora veo a los demás de otra manera.


12 Weeks 2 Days Medical Abortion Experience

~ Energia divina en la mujer ~

Yo decidí abortar : Cuando tuve conocimiento que me encontraba en estado de…

Anne Jellinek

I had two abortions in my life: one when I was 21 and newly married and one 8…

Mariana C

Estava grávida de 08 semanas e não sabia!

Lucille 2

I had an abortion. I got pregnant from a brief relationship and very…


Sin duda ha sido la decisión más difícil que he tomado en lo que llevo de vida