Willem Velthoven

당신의 이야기를 공유합니다

I had several abortions. And children too!

Netherlands (출생 Netherlands)

An abortion means that you let go of possible future. Even when I was very sure about the decision and relieved after the operation, there was also sadness and mourning about it. The sadness about not being able to enjoy this other future too!

Not on my own body so i find it hard to comment.

낙태의 불법 성이 감정에 영향을 미쳤습니까?

The fact that abortion is legal and free in the Netherlands allowed us to focus on our own responsability and decision rather than on other troubles around it! We took it for granted and never realised that our parents had to fight for this right and that in so many countries it's not availabe safely.

다른 사람들은 당신의 낙태에 대해 어떻게 반응 했습니까?

All abortions I was involved in were rather private. Not many others reacted to it. In general abortion is considered a common practice in the netherlands. But people don't talk about it.


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…


I felt it was accapted to have an abortion


Dowiedziałam się o mojej niechcianej ciąży podczas wizyty kontrolnej u…


Difícil decisión

Maiara Rejane

Não havia outra alternativa.
Dia 02 de Julho, voltava de uma festa, havia bebido…


Tengo una hija de 4 años, pero aun asi yo aborte este año.


Most difficult choice I’ve ever made


Zrobiłam to!

Wiadomość o ciąży:

Mój cykl menstruacyjny zawsze wynosił 28 dni


I had an abortion-it was a difficult decision...


Aconteceu comigo.


No eres la única. No estás sola. Transformalo en algo positivo para tu vida.


I had an abortion about seven years ago when I was 16. I was in an abusive…

Eléonore Delmas

I had an abortion


Razem z moich chłopakiem znamy się niecały rok , jest ode mnie młodszy o 4 lata…


Aunque me cueste decirlo, yo aborté


Yo aborte con oxaprost

Luana Oliveira Jacob

Fiz um aborto - E me senti aliviada.Cada dia que me deito para dormir, fico…