
당신의 이야기를 공유합니다

I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and lonely an sad . I believe he brought me some comfort emotionally and I think we both didn't care at first we started having unprotected intercourse and that's where I went wrong I've never had an abortion or miscarriage before an I have two children already I feel I will never let this happen again and I hate feeling sick and this is the worst thing worst mistake I will never have intercourse while ovulating with or without condom tracking it every month now after this if I'm being sexually active. Protection is best thing for me

2017 United States

My fault for being careless

Miserable, a little vomiting, pain

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Yo he abortado 4 veces.


Medical abortion, 19 years old

I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


O aborto é uma escolha apenas da MULHER.