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I had an abortion and it was worth it, absolutely no regrets.

2015 Ireland

I felt so so relieved.

Taking the abortion pills was such a lifesaver. I took the first pill the moment I got the packet in the North in a public bathroom. When I got back home I took the next four pills and that's when the full abortion took place. I was in pain during the experience however it was so worth it. I did not feel guilty at all as I knew this was completely the right choice, years later I still look back think 'it was a good move', this experience made me a stronger woman. Everyone has different reasons for having an abortion and that is completely okay. When a woman has an abortion it is absolutely no one business. During my experience, I never once visited a doctor, and because of that, I had so many sleepless nights wondering if my body was okay or not, so many thoughts rolled inside my head, I experienced many different kinds of pains which I had to keep to myself because I felt the doctors would turn against me if I told them. If you are thinking of using these pills they are fantastic, I recommend going to bed wearing old pajamas, and having a hot water bottle around your belly, it helped me a lot.

낙태의 불법 성이 감정에 영향을 미쳤습니까?

Shame on this country for making us women travel for an abortion. Yes, the illegality made things exceptionally difficult. I never felt so scared in all my life, however, had abortion been legal life would have been so much easier without all of this nonsense. Ireland is still in its old fashion ways with the church also, it needs to stop.

다른 사람들은 당신의 낙태에 대해 어떻게 반응 했습니까?

Only my boyfriend knew about it, he was very supportive and so helpful. No one else knew as I was afraid of being judged. I wanted to go to a doctor for help afterward only I was afraid I would be treated like a criminal. Imagine, going to a doctor for your own health only you can't because a piece of paper says it is 'wrong'. My health, my body, none of your business.


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xxx xxx

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