
Share your story

I didn't want to do it, but it is my worst fear to bring another child into the world only to live below the poverty line.
I want to finish university and get a good job, it is my dream to adopt, to give a home to children who have none.

2011 Australia

Good, the staff were very kind. I felt no physical pain.


A girl found out and told lots of people, I live in a small town so it spread fast. She robbed me of the chance to mourn in private. I was judged terribly.


My life became changed


Abortar es tu elección!




Le habia escrito una blanca cancion del amor entre una nube y un pez volador.


No podía quedar embarazada, las posibilidades para que eso suceda (según los…

Tamsen Reid

I had an abortion because I did not want to be pregnant. I wasn't ready to…


Yo aborté y es la mejor decisión que pude haber tomado.


Yo aborté.

Lauren Jackson

I got pregnant while in college in Tennessee in 1976 and had an illegal…

Carolina Posso

I had an abortion porque me sentía sola, sentía que todo el mundo se iba a…


No era el momento ni la persona


I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college


I had an abortion at 15...and my life is still going well

Dolores Feffer

I had two.

No woman should ever have to justify a dessicion on her own body.

Leah Frida

Yo aborté! porque es mi derecho!