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I had an abortion, I don't regret it but I can't get over it. The lack of psychological support made be to develop post-traumatic stress disorder. I couldn't keep it because I wanted to study and get a decent job; and my boyfriend was unemployed and he wasn't ready too. The medical staff was terrible, they made me feel ashamed and guilty of my choice. I am grateful that I was able to do it in a hospital, but the procedure was terrible.

2018 Italy

The hospital was clean, but the staff was indelicate and unorganized. They gave me medicines before the operations and I felt really bad. They didn't let my boyfriend staying with me before the operation, but I was put in a room with other 3 girls that had their abortion scheduled for that day. It was terrifying.


I told my parents when everything was over and they were confused and they didn't know how to act. Because of this, we just never talked about it. My sister wanted to help me but she was indelicate, she just thought about how to help me with the procedure, but she didn't understand that I needed her emotional and not physical support. My best friend, always been a pro-lifer, she agreed with me about my choice. My boyfriend was with me all the time and he's the one who tried to help me the most because he's caring and he feels terribly guilty.


Nie wstydzę się tego, że jestem teraz szczęśliwa!!!

Ezzah candra

Untuk kebaikan semua anggota keluarga


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


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