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I've never been more sure about a decision. This was something I wanted to do, so I did it.


I'm 22 years old. I want to finish university. I want to travel. I want to intern in Spain's embassy. I want to get my translator/interpreter certificate. I want to be child-free for a few years. I want to be an excellent mom, mediocre will not suffice. I want to raise children who become great people, not people who resent the fact that their mother wasn't ready to raise them. It's something I would regret my entire life. My personal philosophy is to live in love and gratitude with no regrets. Having a child now isn't part of my life plan.


This didnt affect my feelings because abortion is legal in my home country.


Only two people knew that I planned to have an abortion: my best friend and my host mom


Mi historia


i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


I had more than one abortions. I made the choices because I care about the…


porque mi situación económica era pésima, al igual que la de mi pareja, ninguno…


yo decidi un aborto,

Laura Helena

Olá meninas , me chamo Laura , tenho 21 anos ,uma filha linda de 2 aninhos e…

Misa Mary

soy feliz,soy libre, aborte!! fue la decision mas acertada y feliz que pude…

ana maria Duque

I had an abortion but this wasn't easy I was very afraid, but i never regret…


Fiquem tranquilas, vai dar tudo certo.


Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.


misto de melancolia e alívio


w wieku 20 lat. Byłam za młoda, mam wielkie plany na przyszłość, nie chciałam…