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I had an abortion

1993 Argentina

I felt very lonely, guilty, trapped and extremely stupid for getting pregnant. I was too young, studying, just broken up with that boyfriend. I carried the guilt and shame for over 20 years, didn't talk about till now in my 40s, have suffered depression because I couldn't deal with it. I wish these pills or information had been available to me. I wouldn't have suffered so much. It is only now that I realise how often women go through it, how it is my right and my choice. I don't regret my abortion at all. Now I have an education, degrees, a job and a beautiful family.

It was an illegal clinic but at least there were proper doctors performing it. I had no complications but huge emotional scars.


Yes. Of course, my guilt was unbearable. I felt like a criminal and had no way to share my burden.


I didn't really talk about it at the time. Both of my closest friends were supportive. Both were medical students. Another friend was against it and preached on on.


because the time just wasn't right for me.


I had a Medical Abortion - Painful Experience, Life Changing

Anyel. Mtz.

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Yo aborté! porque es mi derecho!

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I had an abortion


El adiós más difícil.


It was sad but necessary


Sin remordimientos


Aborto seguro, entorno amoroso


Me hice un aborto porque no quería ser madre en ese momento.


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Merci à toutes les femmes qui ont lutter pour le droit d'avorter! Merci à…


I had a medical abortion when i was 18 years old at 5 weeks pregnant. Yes, it…


Yo aborté y no me arrepiento de ello.


No había otra opción.