ana maria Duque

Condividi la tua storia

I had an abortion but this wasn't easy I was very afraid, but i never regret about it. we can deside our future.

2009 Colombia (nato/a a Colombia)

it's a confusion of fellings, I was afraid of diying because of the pills but also I was very sure about what I was doing, none of my friends had done an abortion before so this process and all the information and all the research was made for me by me! I was alone, although alot of people was in charge of me and took care of me.

well i used 5 cytotec pills at 18:30 on sep 22, the proces began 3 hours later and it hurts like hell and I start bleeding, that night I couldn't sleep the pain was terrible. I was sick all night, the other day y decide to stay home all day, the pain is not all the time I think it's probably like contractions, after two week I stop bleeding and the proccess was finished, the next month I didn't menstruated, but I went to a medical senter for a blood pregnancy test and it was negative and the next month my menstruation returned the day of the abortion.

i'm just 19 years old, raced in a very catholic family, I'm studing in the university and I have a pretty well future

L'illegalità del suo aborto ha influenzato i suoi sentimenti?

well not the political part, maybe the religious part makes me feel a little worried and sad but nothing else

Come hanno reagito le altre persone al suo aborto?

some people was agree and other no, but everyone say it was my desition and that my future was first.


Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.


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I had an abortion


no es una decisión fácil, tienes que tomar los pros, contras y ponerlos en una…


Nunca arrepentida


I had an abortion


I had an abortion


I had an abortion. And I would do it again, if I was me at that time back then…


No fue tan terrible.