
Condividi la tua storia

2013 Stati Uniti

I Knew it was the right choice for me, but I didn't feel comfortable sharing that with anyone because I didn't want to deal with the judgement and people who would say things like, "Don't you want to keep this last piece of him?"

I spiked a very high fever the next day. I went to an urgent care clinic and lied, saying I'd had a miscarriage. Technically, I did- it's just that it was an induced miscarriage. They sent me to the ER to do an ultrasound to ensure that there was nothing left. Everyone was extremely kind to me, sympathizing with my 'miscarriage.'

My husband had shot himself in front of me, 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant.

Come hanno reagito le altre persone al suo aborto?

I only told 2 people. Both were supportive.

Ewa Izabela

I am pro-choice


Aborsi adalah satu satunya pilihan terberat yang aku putuskan. Ga mungkin untuk…


I don't regret it. It was one of the wisest decisions I ever made in my life. I'…


The best decision for me.

Ezzah candra

Untuk kebaikan semua anggota keluarga


Todo va a pasar, hace apenas 72 hs que termino pero se me han hecho eternas, se…

Miih Be

Dia 9 de Setembro de 2019 tive relação sexual desprotegida com meu noivo, ele…


Escrevo esse depoimento por intermédio do meu parceiro e por mim, que passamos…


E não me arrependo, não se culpe por isso
Você é dona de si.
Eu sou bem jovem

~ Energia divina en la mujer ~

Yo decidí abortar : Cuando tuve conocimiento que me encontraba en estado de…

Manuela L

E não me arrependo.


Sin remordimientos

Emily Mars

O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.


Y lo volvería a hacer, habia terminado con mi ex pololoy el era super…

Mariana Leitão

A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.


I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…


Dwie kreski...Te dwie czerwone kreski na białym papierku były jak kubeł zimnej…