
Ceritakan Kisahmu

My abortion story.

2021 Amerika Serikat

Pro choice under any and all circumstances.

I was only 5 weeks along. I took the first pill and then an hour later I took the second pill along with prescribed painkillers and ibuprofen. I fell asleep an hour later, and then woke up at 11:35pm (about four hours after the second pill), in excruciating pain. There was no bleeding quite yet. The cramps were almost unbearable. I immediately threw up and my whole body was shaking. My boyfriend was rubbing my back telling me it would be okay. I drank some water and then shortly after took another of the painkillers I was prescribed (tylenol 3) which did ease the pain quite a bit. I was able to fall back asleep, woke up several times throughout the night with horrible cramping, and then finally at 4:30AM I woke up with more cramps but this time I started bleeding. Once I started bleeding the pain immediately began to subside and diminished over the next six hours. This was now three days ago and the pain is practically gone although the bleeding is still quite heavy. I do not feel any regret or grief like I thought I would. With the right suppport person, a heating pad, lots of water, painkillers and ibuprofen, I got through it.

I went off of my regular birth control to try the Natural Cycles app, which tracks your fertility using family planning along with your basal temperature. I used the app correctly and still got pregnany within the first month.Keeping the pregnancy was just not an option for me, I am not financially or mentally stable enough to bring a child into this world.

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?

I only told my best friend, therapist and my boyfriend. They were both very supportive and agreed I was making the right decision

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo

lizbeth aparicio

I had an abortion yo quiero abortar porq no siempre se tiene calculadas las…


I made the right decision.


Mi cuerpo, mi decisión


It was a birthday

Eunji A

낙태 당시에는 신체적으로 힘들었지만 지금은 컨디션이 평상시로 돌아왔습니다


Medical abortion at 9wks 5days


Jestem już przeszło 3 miesiące po aborcji farmakologicznej wykonanej w 6 tc. W…


À la limite du délai légal, j'ai avorté à 18 ans et 1 mois. J'étais soutenue…


No es mi primera vez, es mi segunda vez que lo hago y no me arrepiento.


Sin duda ha sido la decisión más difícil que he tomado en lo que llevo de vida


100% segura


Strength & Solidarity

Paula *

Yo acompañe a mi hermana quien pasó por este proceso, siempre fui una persona…


O dono do meu corpo e do meu destino sou eu, e não a sociedade hipócrita e…


Terminé mi embarazo


Am I a horrible person