Won’t be named Won’t be named

Ceritakan Kisahmu

I had an abortion a week after my twenty second birthday, I was five and a half weeks pregnant and it was a complete shock. My partner was suffering with depression and was on medication, he was a bad drunk and I knew we wouldn’t be raising this child together. I felt no other option but to have a termination. He wasn’t supportive and we ended up splitting a month after the termination.

2017 Britania Raya

I know I made the right decision at the time but I still feel like I should of been more careful and I feel alone with my decision

I had a bad experience as the doctor who terminated the pregnancy was unsympathetic and made me feel extremely worthless

I fell pregnant at 21 and my partner suffered from mental illness and I knew I’d be raising a child alone which I wasn’t ready for mentally or financially

Apakah ilegalitas aborsi Anda memengaruhi perasaan Anda?

It was legal

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?

My family and friends were extremely supportive

Lindseymae Mckay

My name is Lindseymae McKay. I will be 32 years old next week. I have a 6 year…


Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.

Rocio Rocio

14 semanas

Beth Smith

I was with my parter for three and a half years when i fell pregnant. I was…


Minęło 5 miesięcy. Nie żałuję swojej decyzji, Ale żałuję że tak musiało się…

Sarah Menezes


anna dea

aku masih berumur 20thun aku mempunyai pacar usia nya di bawah ku 1 tahun aku…


I had an abortion, I don't regret it but I can't get over it. The lack of…


This is something that was necessary for me but most definitely the hardest and…


I want to change the world.


Wczoraj dokonałam aborcji.
Odejście od męża, związanie się z nowym, wydawałoby…

Lorena Lore

Yo aborte con 5 semanas de gestacion !! No ago responsable a nadie yo me ago…

Alma en busca de libertad



Yo aborté los miedos, la pena, el vacío y el amor.


Nie klasyczna wpadka. Brane pigulki nie zadzialaly. Za duzy miks z innymi…

A alexandra

Mi futuro, mi familia


It's 2:25AM as I write this. I had two pills of misoprostol at 11PM. Been…


Espero que minha experiência possa ajudar quem vai passar pela mesma situação