
Ossza meg velünk történetét

I had an abortion and I don't regret it. It was a hard decision but one I knew I would make. My boyfriend was very supportive and continues to be. I knew I was not ready to have a child and I'm glad I've had more time to grow, so I can be the best parent I can be when the time comes.

2014 United States

It was alright overall, I had a couple of mix ups with appointment times at the clinic I went to that added stress but the pain was manageable with the medicines I was given. I wasn't prepared for the length of time it would take to feel physically normal again, it was over a week before I stopped feeling uneasy.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

I've only told my boyfriend and he was very supportive in my decision and would have been no matter what I chose. It's been hard for me to have gone through it without telling anyone else and I worry that it's hard on him being my only outlet.


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Aborto seguro, entorno amoroso


no es una decisión fácil, tienes que tomar los pros, contras y ponerlos en una…

Maria Lopez

pensando en que dirán


I had an abortion when I was 21. I knew right away that I was pregnant--within…


I had an abortion. It was in October of 2008, when I was 21. The guy I was…


Yo aborte. No fue una decisión fácil. No entraré en detalles del porqué tome la…

Luana Oliveira Jacob

Fiz um aborto - E me senti aliviada.Cada dia que me deito para dormir, fico…


No fue tan terrible.

Mandy Amanda

Hora de recomeçar

Paulette De los reyes

Decidi lo mejor para las dos


I was 44 years old and already had 2 children. The pregnancy was an accident…


Esta es mi historia: Tengo 35 años y 3 hijos, dos nenas y un varón de 6, 3 y 1…


Nie chce się rozczulać. Każda kobieta sama podejmuje tą decyzję ale powinna…