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I had 4 abortions and I’m not ashamed

2020 United States

unruly. unapologetic I am not ashamed. If you are a woman needing someone to talk to message me on Instagram. Hate speech will be blocked.

I did the pill abortion 4 dif times. Not much pain just period cramps and bleeding. I’ve done it at 4 weeks up to 10 weeks. I am not ashamed or in regret. I didn’t want those babies cause of who the dad was And that’s okay. Yes I went on to have 2 beautiful daughters and I am a great mom.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

I personally don’t care cause it’s nobody’s business but mine.


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Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.


I was so scared but it was right and I know deep in my heart now.