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I had a SUPER LATE abortion.

2012 United States

It gave me so many mixed emotions! I was happy to follow through but felt selfish(dad to be wanted to keep it) and maybe a little guilty.. or definitely judged.

Took 2 days, day 1 they do ultrasound and all that then they gave me medicine to help induce me and soften the cervix. Had milf cramps that evening. Went back day 2 and they gave me a large shot near my belly button, sat for a few hours, went under anesthesia, woke up in a different room with several other women, groggy.. and waited to be checked and released. But I was 20weeks along.. so yeah

I mainly was not ready to give up no responsibilities and couldn't afford a kid.

Vajon az abortuszod törvénytelensége befolyásolta-e az érzéseidet?

Being legal didnt make the choice any easier.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

Close family supported me. Friends (some not all) that I thought would support me talked bad about me behind my back and to my face.


Aborto a las 4 semanas, perdóname mi ángel.


I had a Medical Abortion - Painful Experience, Life Changing




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