Nichole Jeffers

Ossza meg velünk történetét

Being allergic to latex I became pregnant multiple times before I was 20 having my last abortion at the age of 23 I still don't regret any of them and feel grateful that I live in a country where I have the right to choose. They are something I'm proud of and I hope to never have another one but I honestly can't imagine my life with the children I didn't have and furthermore it would have been selfish of me two have a bunch of kids that I couldn't support nor wanted to. Now I am a mother of two and I love my children very much but I had no business having children at 15 nor could I imagine having a child with someone that had sex with me while I was passed out. There are tons of reasons to end pregnancy and the only person they should carry weight for is you. You must do what's right for you. No one from right to life or the Catholic Church is going to raise your child for you you have to do it so when it comes to making the decision whether to carry to term or terminate don't let anyone else make that decision for you. You are the one that has to live with your decision either way. I have never regretted mine

I have experienced it both awake and sedated I must say that the sedated abortion was preferable I had abortions in 1996 1998 2000 and 2003

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

Most supportive


j´ai avorté.


I had a SUPER LATE abortion.


Aborto seguro, entorno amoroso


mi aborto. siempre te voy a recordar pequeña semillita


Há 5 anos atrás fiz um aborto,e hoje vejo claramente que foi a melhor escolha e…


E no começo me arrependi mas vi que seria a melhor opção, e escrevendo meu…

Kristina Brandon

‪#‎StandWithPP‬ I never wanted kids. I got pregnant in college when I was 17.

Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.

Manuella Silva

Grávida aos 18.

Olá. Vim contar pra voces minha experiencia com aborto.
Eu ficava…


zrobiłabym to jeszcze raz


misto de melancolia e alívio


Yo aborté a las 5 semanas. Yo decidí.


Hice lo mejor que pude, estando bajo toda la presión del mundo.

Lindsay Millett

I had an abortion


La desición más difícil de mi vida

Camila Gray

I had an abortion,im having my abortion.


Uwolniłam się od piekła i zyskałam szansę na szczęście

Agos Tina

Oxaprost / 7 semanas


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…