I had an abortion
(született Mexico)
in a clinic or hospital with surgery
my personal reasons for not wanting a child
Estuve con una persona con quien no queria compartir mi vida y sinceramente, nno queria tener un hijo a mis 18 años, con alguien a quien no amaba, ademas, no podia hacerme responsable de èl si no siquiera era responsable conmigo misma...
i have no children
no religion
Há 5 anos atrás fiz um aborto,e hoje vejo claramente que foi a melhor escolha e…
I had an abortion and I don't regret it. It was a hard decision but one I knew…
I had a medical abortion when i was 18 years old at 5 weeks pregnant. Yes, it…
My story - at 6 weeks and 5 days
The "choice" of medical termination is not accurate when it's used as a weapon…
Ser solidária com quem abortou e defender a descriminalização jamais me fez…
I got pregnant the first time I had sex. I was just 18 and knew nothing. I was…
Estava grávida de quase 12 semanas.
My perception of so many things changed a lot with this experience and realised…
I come from a country where abortion is legal but due to my personal…
Sabia lo que hacia, nunca dude, y sigo creyendo que fue lo mejor para mi y para…
I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed