CJ Koivuniemi

Partagez votre expérience

I had an abortion. I was twenty years old and living in Ireland, a country known for its stance in abortion rights. At the time I was a product of my Catholic conservative upbringing, and I was not a supporter of abortion rights, to say the least. But when I took a pregnancy test, I knew I couldn't have a child in my current situation. I hadn't finished University, I had no money, I didn't have any help for a pregnancy and childbirth and rearing a child. I had an abortion through Women On Web four years ago and I finally feel like I can tell my story. It's been more than four years and having the power and autonomy to end a pregnancy and continue my individual life has continued to improve my life. I have a career, a partner, and things in my life that an unwanted pregnancy and child would have barred me from. I advocate for abortion rights because it's personal.

2014 Irlande

Painful but fortunately, no complications.

L'illégalité de votre avortement a-t-elle affecté vos sentiments ?

Yes. I felt trapped and lost, like there was no way out and death was the only option.

Comment les autres personnes ont-elles réagi à votre avortement ?

My family doesn't know because if they knew, they would never speak to me again. My partner is supportive and validates how alone I felt. My therapist validates and listens and offers support and healing. No one else knows.


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100% segura

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