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I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an abortion on 18th April 2014. I took 12 misoprostol tablets, no mifepristone. I was alone and scared. I had bouts of fever and severe nausea and almost vomitted the second dose after 3 hours. I had very bad cramps that night and continued to bleed very heavily over the next few days. On the whole I took almost 800mg of ibuprofen daily and woke up early every morning with cramps so bad I could hardly breathe. I bled from April 18th through September. 6 months! Not continuously and not heavily but I remember completely losing myself. Some days I will not bleed at all. Sometimes even for a week or two. Then the bleeding would start again. I didn't go for an ultra sound because of fear, indecisiveness and hostility. I faced a lot of hostility while trying to procure misoprostol. Some pharmacies admitted they had it but still won't sell to me. The cramping stopped after about 3weeks but the bleeding felt like it had come to stay. Since then I still have bouts of severe abdominal pain every once in a while. I'll go for a check up soon.

2014 Nigéria


L'illégalité de votre avortement a-t-elle affecté vos sentiments ?

Yes. A lot. People are so annoying, pretentious and judgemental. And all the pain is on the woman!

Comment les autres personnes ont-elles réagi à votre avortement ?

Nobody knew really.




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