
Comparta su experiencia

getting thru the pain.

2013 Estados Unidos

It hurts, but we'll be okay.

I'm in the process right now, and it hurts more emotionally than it does physically.

I'm only 17, last year of high school. I promised my little seed before letting go that I'll be strong for both us, that i'll make it far and in the future we'll meet again if God decides to give me another chance.

¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

Surprised but respected my decision.

Lucyna L

I had an abortion


A exatamente um mês atrás realizei o aborto, sou residente do Japão, apesar de…


Bylam za granica kiedy postanowilam zrobic pierwszy test ciazowy. Okres…

M. .

Fiz um aborto e me sinto aliviada. Agradeço muito a toda a equipe do Women on…


I am having an abortion as I am writing this, at home with cytotec…


I had an abortion 6 months ago.My boyfriend and I were not ready to have a baby.


Me siento vacía ...


My first abortion took place when I was 19 and the second, when I was 26. I…


I had an abortion and I got to say that it was the best decision I can ever…


I made the right decision.

Eva Paradise

Aborté. Fue un alivio. Nunca me arrepentí. Hoy tengo dos hijos y puedo criarlos…


I had an abortion when I was 21. I knew right away that I was pregnant--within…


I had an abortion in the US a few years ago. I think it is important for all of…


No fue tan terrible.


Nie klasyczna wpadka. Brane pigulki nie zadzialaly. Za duzy miks z innymi…

Brenda Rojas

Yo aborte, pero aunque no me siento orgullosa, tampoco me arrepiento.