
Comparta su experiencia

I had an abortion about seven years ago when I was 16. I was in an abusive relationship and I know that if I were to have the baby, it means that I will have to marry my abusive boyfriend. I decided to had an abortion for the sake of my own safety and the baby itself. I know I wouldn't be able to support the baby myself, and I know things are going to be worsens if I had to marry the baby daddy. Now I have a Masters degree, and a well-paying job, because I could focus on myself and fixing my issues. I will always cherish the memory I have during the pregnancy and will always love the baby in secrecy.

2013 Indonesia

I was sad, because I wish this wasn't the circumstance. I always wanted to be a mother, but I had to understand that motherhood wasn't easy. I felt relieved because with the abortion I am able to escape the abusive relationship.

It was painful, like an extremely painful period. Make sure that you have someone with you during the abortion since you lost a lot of blood.

I am depressed and I couldn't even support myself

¿La ilegalidad del aborto afectó sus sentimientos?

No, it doesn't

¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

I only told my ex boyfriend's mother because she understands that her son are acting abusive towards me. She was reluctant and as a devout Christian she was angry at first, however she supported me after she hear me out.


Niestety znalazłam się w sytuacji , gdy mój chłopak nie dopuszczał do myśli że…

Paola XD

Yo aborté en Chile, donde es ilegal. Tengo 29 años. Lo hice con medicamentos, a…


O ciąży dowiedziałam się tydzień przed świętami grudniowymi. Okres spóźniał mi…


My abortion story.


I had an abortion in a country where I could get killed if I had sex before…


Difícil decisión



Anna K.

nie żałuję,


I had an abortion




No podía quedar embarazada, las posibilidades para que eso suceda (según los…

Maria Madalena

Fiz um aborto e me sinto muito, muito aliviada!!!

yunni lee

yo aborte. por mi situación económica, por tener otro hijo, porque estudio y…

Lucyna L

I had an abortion

Dawn & Kevin

I had two abortions


The 10 weeks I was pregnant were the happiest weeks of my life. My husband

Maria F M B

Yo aborte: Hoy en dia es difícil enfrentar la sanción moral que existe en…


Zrobiłam to, mimo że nigdy nie myślałam że będę potrzebować takiej pomocy. Mimo…


I had an abortion


No era el momento ni la persona