
Comparta su experiencia

I just had my 3rd son 4 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got a restraining order against the father 2 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got verbally abused and car stolen a month before finding out I was pregnant. After 6 years and 2 children I would think I wanted better for myself but I guess I don't but I didn't have his daughter. I wanted a girl so bad but I had an abortion. Hopefully I can find a man that doesn't abuse me and know how to be patient with me because of what he did. I had an abortion because I wanted better for my daughter even if I think I don't for myself.

2020 Estados Unidos

It was unreal. I expected the pain and blood but I didn't comes to terms with what I was giving up. Until my daughter at 9 weeks and 3 days laid on my right thumb under my tattoo of my first name. The feelings when our eyes connected was terrifying. Such a dark and scary time to have to flush down the daughter I always wanted down the toilet. I didn't expect to see the fetus but I did. I couldn't do anything but scream then quickly cover my mouth because in the next room was my 3 son's and the niece of my children's father. He still doesn't know or I haven't told him that I terminated that pregnancy.

¿La ilegalidad del aborto afectó sus sentimientos?


¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

I only told 5 people. None which are blood related. They were supportive knowing the history of my relationship.

Misa Mary

soy feliz,soy libre, aborte!! fue la decision mas acertada y feliz que pude…


I was 44 years old and already had 2 children. The pregnancy was an accident…

Marilyn Ramos Morenita. !

Yo decido, yo hago lo que quiero con mi cuerpo y nadie tiene porque decirme…


Fiz um aborto porque adoro crianças e acredito que só podemos deixar um…


Ciąża była bardzo niespodziewana, mam juz jedno dziecko, z racji wrodzonej wady…


Opowiem Wam moją historie !
Jest to raczej jedna z TYCH popularnych :/ Jestem…


I had an abortion


I had an abortion and I got to say that it was the best decision I can ever…




*No podía ser* 11sem


Antes de hacer cualquier cosa infórmate muy bien para tomar la decisión…


Yo aborté porque es mi derecho

Gabriella fikol

Jako matka dwojga dzieci , która w swoim zyciu czekała długo na…

flicky flicky

it was safe and very effective...was 38days late.i follwed women on web within…


Sin remordimientos


Nie wstydzę się tego, że jestem teraz szczęśliwa!!!

Cristina Lima

Fiz um aborto.


Tome una decision