Megan W.

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I had an abortion. There has been no complications so far, but don't have a medical one after 9weeks.

2009 United Kingdom (born in United Kingdom)

I just get bouts a crying or feeling very depressed, but other than those time's i'm my normal self.

It was quite a distressing experience. The bleeding would be VERY heavy and spontaneous for the first 2 hours, after that, the tissue was gone and it was just like the bleeding of my normal period. Don't ever do this without someone there to comfort you, thankfully I had my boyfriend.

I needed an abortion because i've only turned 17 years old. I only have one year of school left before i go to university, and i know it would ruin my chances if i had've had a baby at this point. Also a friend of mine had a baby when she was 15, she has no qualifications, no job and is living with her inemployed boyfriend at the age of 17, he only has gcse qualifications and he's 19. We barely see them anymore, they've turned to drugs and i dont want to be like them. Finally, my biggest reason was my parents. My big brother was a disapointment to my dad, and he put a lot of pressure on me to be the best and the smartest sort of thing. My mum's very supportive, but my parents were separated last year and i think this is the last thing they need.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

No, I wanted the abortion because i didn't want to disappoint my parent's, even though my mum has always said she'd be there if anything ever happened.

How did other people react to your abortion?

No one, other than my boyfriend and a few doctors knew that i was pregnant.


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