Lisa Heidenreich

Share your story

2016 Panama

I was super relieved when the pills arrived. I organized a day off for me and my husband the next day so he would be there to support me during the process. Everything worked as described by Women on Web.

Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?

I was afraid for my husband and my two children to get involved. The thought that I am endangering my family was horrible. My feelings towards the decision to abort weren't effected. My decision was very clear for me, in my head and heart.

How did other people react to your abortion?

Everyone was very supportive and empathetic. As the abortion was illegal, I had to choose the people I confided in carefully and it took some courage but it was really helpful to get moral support.


Zaczełao sie (wiadomo) od dwóch kresek i przerażenia. Szukałam możliwości…


Mi cuerpo, mi decisión


No era el momento, no me arrepiento.


Cuando tenia 19 años, "me enamore" de un tipo casado, quede embarazada y el lo…


Dokonałam tego co jest zakazane w tym kraju. Nie czuję się winna.


Lo logré....estoy tranquila


Minął rok od aborcji. Bylam młoda, mialam zaczac studia. Zaszłam w ciążę z…

Sara Barretos

Descobri a gravidez com 4 semanas, a camisinha estourou e tomei a pílula do dia…


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y la verdad para mi fue un alivio, esto comenzó un el mismo dia que decidi…

paola paola

Yo aborté


I had an abortion in the US a few years ago. I think it is important for all of…

Cela B

Você precisa fazer uma auto avaliação e ver o que é melhor pra você. Não…

Anne Jellinek

I had two abortions in my life: one when I was 21 and newly married and one 8…


Mi hijo se transformó en una estrella.
Ahora veo a los demás de otra manera.

Clara Souza

Goataria de compartilhar essa experiência com vocês para dizer fiquem…


Fiz um aborto porque adoro crianças e acredito que só podemos deixar um…


No estaba lista para ser madre, no se si algún día lo estaré.