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because the time just wasn't right for me.

2014 Vereinigte Staaten

I was relieved afterwards, but I did go through some feelings of regret and sadness, which is only normal. I do know that it was the right decision for me.

The experience itself wasn't what I expected it to be. I got there filled out paper work, waited to be called. They did an ultrasound, bloodwork, some paperwork. Then I went downstairs to their surgical part. They took vitals, had me change into a gown. Then I waited some more. They called me back to the room, I was introduced to the doctor, then given something to relax me, then I was given the drug to make me sleep. I woke up and it was over with. I went home and slept most of the day. I was crampy for about a week afterwards.

I had a very big surgery scheduled for May 8th and they wouldn't be able to do it if I was pregnant.

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?

Although mine was legally done, the protesters standing outside the building calling me a murderer did affect my feelings. However I was very angry at them for trying to make a hard decision an even harder one.

Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

I found out I was pregnant at work Easter night. I only told three other people besides the father, they were supportive in my decision my shift supervisor even told me her experience and gave me the name of the clinic she went to.

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