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2002 هولندا (مولود في Portugal)

I felt stupid for getting pregnant, guilty and irresponsible for not being more carefull with my body. I felt ashamed that something like that happened to me, because I'm not a teenager anymore and know how to not get pregnant. I felt afraid that I would damage my body, that it would hurt, but I was sure I didn't want to have a baby at that time and with that boyfriend.

It's was nothing special. No pain, no trauma, just a choice, just a medical procedure.

I would be unhappy, the child would be unhappy, my boyfriend would be unhappy.

هل أثر الإجهاض غير القانوني على مشاعرك؟

Yes. It's much easier to make a decision when you know that you can get the right support and help for your choice.

كيف كان رد فعل الآخرين على إجهاضك؟

Abortion is illegal in Portugal.


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Una decisión consciente de vida

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I had an abortion because I did not want to be pregnant. I wasn't ready to…

Maria Lopez

pensando en que dirán

Paola XD

Yo aborté en Chile, donde es ilegal. Tengo 29 años. Lo hice con medicamentos, a…


i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


Fiz um aborto e o momento foi muito delicado. Primeiro que fui procurar os…


Bom, o espaço de tempo entre descobrir que estava gravida e realizar o aborto…

Catarina Fernando

Tenho 18 anos e os meus pais nunca iriam aceitar que eu tivesse um filho com…

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo


Nunca hubiera querido estar en esa encrucijada


I was twenty years old, terrified, and completely alone.


Yo aborte. No fue una decisión fácil. No entraré en detalles del porqué tome la…


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